Title: Effectiveness of Applying Case Study Method of Instruction to Pathophysiology
Authors: Melissa Weege, Aileen Staffaroni (University of Wisconsin- La Crosse)
Discipline: Health Professions, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, Pathophysiology, GI Disorders
Submission Date: June 15, 2012
Abstract: Upon completion of the lesson study of GI disorders, we desired to see students retain information about the GI disorders on the unit exam. In addition, in section one, we hoped to see this same information retention on the final exam at the end of the semester. Secondly, we wanted to see the students apply the GI information learned in this unit. The lesson study was designed in a case study format. Observations gleaned from the Lesson Study of GI Disorders were useful in making thinking visible. Our main goal to see information retention was attained as evidenced by the exam scores. The goal of student application of content was also met. Rhe Lesson Study goal of observing collaboration and critical thinking skills was achieved by section two and useful information regarding the lack of achievement in section one was attained by the Lesson Study observation.