Title: Interprofessional Education Lesson Study for Health Professions Students
Authors: Gronwaldt, Virginia; Johnson, Barbara; Sieck, Sandra; Michelle Thorman,
Disciplines: Health Professions, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physican's Assistant Studies
Submission Date: June 6, 2015
Abstract: Health Profession Department students from the OT, PA and PT programs participated in a 2 hour inter-professional education lesson designed to foster team working and decision making skills which are essential for clinical practice. The activity required students to explore the scope of profession, their unique educational backgrounds, clinical specialty areas and professional roles on the patient care team. Through use of a structured lesson plan which included guided questions and a case study, students were challenged to define roles and interventions unique to their respective discipline and areas where their roles blended with other disciplines. Three outcome measures were used to assess students’ perceptions of their roles on an inter-disciplinary team, student engagement in the learning activity and evaluation of the lesson.
Eighty-five physical therapy (PTS), occupational therapy (OTS) and physician assistant (PAS) Health Professions students participated in an Interprofessional Education (IPE) case study learning activity during which they discussed the specific roles and responsibilities of their professions. Several measures were used to assess students’ participation and evaluation of the learning activity and their perceptions regarding the value of interdisciplinary health care teams. Most of the students reported valuing interdisciplinary collaboration and thought it improved health outcomes and resulted in improved patient satisfaction. During the case study learning activity, all the students verbally participated, discussing the roles and responsibilities of their specific professions, and no differences were found across disciplines. PAS were more often (100%), and OTS were least often (19%), identified as exhibiting leadership behavior during the case study learning activity, whereas, PTS were identified as exhibiting this behavior 37% of the time. 97 – 100% of the students reported that the learning activity helped them understand the need for effective communication among health care professionals, the need for interprofessional collaboration, and the roles of PT, OT, and PA.
Students suggested that in the future more information regarding the roles of healthcare providers other than PT, OT, and PA in patient/client care and specific values and ethics necessary for interprofessional practice should be included in the IPE case study learning activity.
Interprofessional Education Lesson Study for Health Professions Students -
Full Report