Title: Studying the Effectiveness of a Lesson on Regression Analyses
Authors: Delgado, Enilida; Miller, Carol; McReynolds-Perez, Julia
Discipline: Sociology
Submission Date: May 29, 2015
Abstract: Sociology students enrolled in two sections of a required research methods course were observed while completing a lab assignment. This course is the second course in a three-course research-intensive sequence. The main objective of the assignment was to observe how students decide whether to conduct linear regression analysis or logistic regression analysis based upon the level of measurement of the dependent variable. There are three main findings from the study lesson observations and the completed work from students. First, instructors inconsistently instruct how to write null and research hypotheses. Second, students struggled to interpret the regression coefficients resulting from regression with dichotomous independent variables. Third, it was recognized that students need a lot more time to make decisions about how to complete the lab assignments. Each of these concerns can be addressed with practical changes to our teaching methods throughout the three-course sociology research sequence.
Studying the Effectiveness of a Lesson on Regression Analyses - Full Report